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July 31, 2014 / thisismywindow

Starting Again

There are days I have a lot to say. I keep these thoughts in my head, writing sentences and coming up with titles for blog posts. And that’s where they stay. In my head. Today I decided to start again on this blog. To actually put the thoughts in my head out there. So here I am.

Where do you begin? You begin at the beginning, as they say. Where is my beginning? Right now, my beginning is a new life since I was laid-off in mid-March. After 7 years at the same company, doing the same job, I was made redundant. They no longer needed a full-time trainer. So, I began anew. I have become a full-time mom.

We have been so busy bonding and playing this Summer. We took a three week road trip down south, which included stops in Atlanta, Charleston, and Myrtle Beach. It was really wonderful. We’ve been to the zoo a few times, Sandcastle Water Park, Kennywood, and the Children’s Museum.

I find the hardest part of the days is deciding what to do first. Do I clean the kitchen? Should I be doing some cleaning each day, or pick one day and do everything? How do I keep my mind fresh and on the ball? How did my mom do this with FIVE children???

So, I hope to keep my blog a “thing” now; writing with some regularity. I would like to tell you what we are doing, what I am doing, how things are going in this, my new life. I have lots to say. Hope you’ll come visit.

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